Merry Christmas

Imagine that tomorrow is Christmas Eve:)
Feels great to have a little holiday, the only thing I will do is to work a few hours on Friday and than I'm actually free until the New Year. Then after the New Year,I have taken three vacation days.
This year we will celebrate Christmas with my mother in law...well, now I can actually call her mother in law :) The pictures are from Christmas 2012 when we celebrate Christmas with her last time. This year she also invited a few more, so we will be around 9 people. It's Nico's sister's boyfriend and his parents and brother who will also come. On Christmas Day, we are going to my parents and spend the day there, so there will be two days with food and Christmas presents:)

Should honestly say that the Christmas spirit is not on top this year. I really miss getting a white Christmas. Where is the snow? The only thing we have received here in Bohuslän is snow and rain a couple of times and one evening it was a little white on the ground, but more than that it has not been this year. nothing we can about it, but a little boring it is. It will be sunny tomorrow ... better than rain anyways:)
With this I want to wish you a Merry Christmas♥
GOD JUL till er nu och ha det toppen imorrn